
Tran Huynh Duy Thuc

Trần Huỳnh Duy Thức

Current Status: Released - at risk

Photo of Tran Huynh Duy Thuc

Other Names: Trần Huỳnh Duy Thức, Trần Đông Chấn

Date of Birth: November 29, 1966

Gender: M

Religion: Buddhist

Ethnicity: Kinh

Occupation: Blogger, Entrepreneur

Human Rights Defender: Y

Known Prison(s):
Prison No. 6, Nghe An province (Unknown - September 20, 2024)


Immediate Concerns

Oct 2024:

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc has written a letter to To Lam (in the resources section) requesting an end to the “tiger cage” confinement of political prisoners at Nghe An’s Prison No. 6. Thuc describes the “tiger cages” as a second layer of high fences of 4×4 inch metal mesh that wraps outside the regular prison cells, completely preventing inmates from accessing the exercise yard and vegetable garden; access to green space is required by law. Prior to April 18, 2024, Thuc said political prisoners were kept inside their cells only 12 hours a day and were allowed to exercise and grow vegetables. But since the arrival of Deputy Warden Thai Van Thuy, he says that a 24-hour “tiger cage” restriction has been implemented without any official orders or decrees. Even Thuy’s own deputies had reportedly told Thuc that they knew it was not legal to do this, but they said that they had no choice but to carry out Thuy’s “verbal commands.” Thuc sent copies of his letter for To Lam to several diplomats as well.

Sept 2024:

Hoang Thi Minh Hong and Tran Huynh Duy Thuc were both released early from prison on Sept. 20., synchronized with Secretary To Lam’s U.S. visit, where he was attending the UN Summit. The releases were secured during Undersecretary Zeya’s trip to Vietnam in August. Both releases are significant in that the two luminaries have been allowed to remain in country, contrary to most recent releases of high profile prisoners.

Thuc was eight months away from completing a 16-year prison sentence. Thuc’s brother told RFA they were informed by police that Thuc was put on a plane in Nghe An on Sept. 20 and would arrive in HCMC at midnight.

Early the next day, on the Facebook page “Tran Huynh Duy Thuc.” which has been administered by his family throughout his imprisonment, a freed Thuc thanked all the individuals, as well as international organizations and state representatives, who have supported him all these years. On the day of his sudden release, prison officials asked Thuc to sign a “request for pardon,” which he refused to do. They nonetheless read him Order 940, signed by the president on Sept. 20, to pardon him. They then carried him out of prison against his will amidst protest from other political prisoners. Thuc calls his unrequested release a “forced special pardon.”

Prior to his release, he was one of Vietnam’s longest-serving contemporary political prisoners and was well-known for steadfastly maintaining his innocence, as well as protesting mistreatment behind bars– often via hunger strikes. Project88 has long updated English audiences on Thuc’s case and advocated for his release from prison without forced exile.

Throughout his over 15 years in prison, Thuc wrote many letters home to his family about prison life and his thoughts on the activist movement in Vietnam. In a 2019 letter, he wrote: “The Path to Justice will not only lead me home, it will also bring a brighter future for everyone. Otherwise, why would I even choose imprisonment? Why would we, out of personal concerns, choose to spend a few years less in jail at the expense of justice?”


According to their families, Trinh Ba Tu, Dang Dinh Bach and Bui Van Thuan began their strike on Sept. 29, just days after fellow inmate Tran Huynh Duy Thuc was forcibly released from Prison No. 6 right before President To Lam’s first visit to the U.S. In an interview with RFA, Thuc gave a harrowing first-hand account of the discriminatory and unlawful practices used against political prisoners at Prison No. 6., and he described how he developed techniques to endure prolonged hunger strikes as a means to fight back. 

May 2024:

On May 10, Tran Huynh Duy Thuc was visited by the assistant ambassador and political chargé d’affaires from the Australian Embassy, together with a Communist Party official and an interpreter. The visit was requested by the embassy as a response to news of worsening prison conditions at Camp 1, Nghe An Prison No. 6. Thuc told the diplomat that he and other political prisoners have been subjected to “severe violations of human rights” ever since a new vice-warden named Thai Van Thuy arrived last August.

In particular, Thuc relayed in a phone call home that since April 18, all political prisoners have been put in “tiger cages,” and have not been allowed to exercise in the 5x7m yard, nor to communicate with each other in that small space on weekends as in the past. No reason was given for the new policy. In the presence of the Australian representative, Thuc asked the warden of camp 1, Lt. Col. Nguyen Van Du, to state whether there should at least be a signed order by Thuy before such punishment could be handed out. According to Thuc, Lt Col. Du “could not say a word.”

In addition to what he called “arbitrary actions” by prison officials, Thuc said political prisoners face discriminatory treatment such as not being allowed access to a green space and more severe physical conditions than other prisoners. Furthermore, he said that the situation is worsening to the point that prisoners’ health, both physical and mental, is in serious danger. As a precaution, Thuc himself has been refusing to eat prison food for months, relying only on instant noodles and other staples supplied by the family. He also accused the prison canteen of not only limiting the amount of things he could buy but also of raising prices so much that prisoners could not afford to buy much.

Thuc asked that the U.N. Special Rapporteur be allowed to visit the prison to see these things directly. He also expressed skepticism that things will change but would like the international human rights community to continue publicizing these issues nonetheless.

April 2024:

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc told his brother Tran Huynh Duy Tan on April 26 that the quality of the food in prison has gone down while prices are going up. After a three day hunger strike (sometime before this date), he had lost 2kg and currently weighed about 63kg. Since April 18, he and several others allegedly have been kept in what is known as a “tiger cage,” also described by Dang Dinh Bach’s wife. On April 19, when Thuc refused to be put in the tiger cage, he alleges that the guards dragged him in anyway, tearing up his shirt and causing bruises on his neck. Thuc asked that international observers, especially UN special rapporteurs, come visit the prison conditions.

Other prominent political prisoners at this prison, including Bui Van Thuan and Dang Dinh Bach, have also complained about recent mistreatment and staged multiple hunger strikes.

March 2024:

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc’s family visited him on March 14 at Prison No. 6 in Nghe An Province. Thuc had gained a little bit of weight since the canteen resumed selling him food at the start of March after a three week pause that began on Feb. 9. Thuc had gone from 74 kilograms down to 62 kilograms during that period. He currently weighs only 64 kilograms. The family estimates that with the maximum allowable amount of money he can use at the canteen each month — 170 million dong ($70 USD), Thuc can buy three times the amount of food compared to last year; the canteen has also resumed selling him hot water to cook instant noodles.

February 2024:

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc’s family reported that Thuc had been eating again from Feb. 2 to Feb. 8, when the canteen resumed selling him food. But the authorities stopped selling food to him again on Feb. 9, saying that he had exceeded the amount of money he was allowed to spend. Thuc said all he had bought was four boxes of instant noodles, 5 kg of vegetables, 0.5 kg of pork, and less than 0.5 kg of fish. Thuc said he ate three packages of noodles each day, and only had one box (30 packages) left, and each day he would eat three packages. He also said that if the prison continues to refuse to sell him any food, then once the supplies from the family run out, he will have to go on a hunger strike again. 

January 2024:

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc has begun another hunger strike, this time to protest what he claims are the increasingly inhumane prison conditions at Prison No. 6, Nghe An province. Thuc’s family told Project88 that he had been complaining of being shivering cold but they don’t know why. For the past six months, Thuc has been living in an often dark environment due to frequent power outages, as well as scorching heat during the summer season. He’s been having to eat instant noodles cold because he cannot get hot water.


At a family visit on Feb. 1, Dang Dinh Bach confirmed that Thuc was on hunger strike  According to Bach, Thuc has been on a hunger strike since Jan. 27 and his health was deteriorating to the point he sometimes has a hard time breathing. Bach said he would try to persuade Thuc to stop. Every time Bach mentioned Thuc’s name, however, the guard monitoring the visit would cut him off and give him stern warnings.



Tran Huynh Duy Thuc is an engineer and entrepreneur from Ho Chi Minh City. He founded EIS, a successful Internet phone service company in Vietnam with two branches in Singapore and the U.S. It was the first Vietnamese company to invest in high technologies abroad.

History of Activism

Thuc founded the Chan research group to study the economy, politics, and society of Vietnam and some other countries. He blogged about social, political, and economic issues in Vietnam under the pen name Tran Dong Chan.

Family Situation

Thuc is married and has two children. Thuc’s family is very active in advocating for his release; his father participated in a mini-interview series with The 88 Project in the summer of 2013. They also maintain website about his case. Thuc’s family has maintained his innocence throughout his arrest, trial, and sentence.

Followers of Thuc have started two petitions on to "urge VietNam Communist Party as well as the Parliament to hold a referendum for free election and on transformation to a multi-party political regime with the attendance and monitoring of the civil society groups across the nation."

Sentenced to 16 years in prison under Art. 79 (1999 Code). Released September 20, 2024.

May 24, 2009
  • Art. 79 (1999 Code)
Viet Nam
January 20, 2010 - Date of trial
16 years in prison
May 24, 2025
September 20, 2024

Details of Imprisonment

Thuc was arrested on May 24, 2009 and held in pre-trial detention, where he was possibly tortured in attempts to solicit a coerced confession. He was initially arrested for "theft of telephone wires," but later charged under Article 79 for subversion. He was tried on January 20, 2010, with three co-defendants (Nguyen Tien Trung, Le Cong Dinh, and Le Thang Long) in Ho Chi Minh City. He was sentenced to sixteen years in prison and five years of probation.

His and his co-defendant's detentions were deemed arbitrary by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention in 2012. He was adopted by Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) as part of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Comission’s Defending Freedoms Project.

Throughout his imprisonment, Thuc has endured harsh treatment. He has often been targeted for standing up for the rights of other prisoners and has had communication with family limited by the authorities. He has led hunger strikes while imprisoned, and, while he has been offered early release in exchange for leaving the country, refuses to be exiled from Vietnam.

In May of 2016, he was transferred to a prison farther away from his family. The reason for the transfer was unclear, but his distancing strategy has been used on other political prisoners, and could be related to his refusal to accept an early release in exchange for exile from Vietnam. 

May 2018:

Thuc annnounced he was appealing his sentence in light of changes to Vietnam's Criminal Code. Under his current sentence, he is due for release in May of 2025. Read our reflection on his case and his contributions to Vietnamese civil society, here

June 2018:

In a phone call to his family on June 30, Tran Huynh Duy Thuc told his wife that on June 25, a delegation of the European Union and German Embassy in Vietnam had visited him for an hour in Prison No. 6, Nghe An province. The delegation asked about Thuc's wishes, and he reiterated that he would not want to live abroad, and that he wanted to stay in Vietnam to serve his country. Thus, Thuc again ruled out the possibility of him accepting to be exiled in exchange for an early release. Thuc also said he wanted his case to be resolved according to the law and has continued to press for an appeal of his conviction. His health has been more stable recently.

Thuc wrote a series of letters home to his family about prison life and his thoughts on the activist movement today in Vietnam. In the first of a series of translations, this letter details his visit from foreign officials on June 25. 

In the second letter, Thuc wrote about the need for open and innovative global economic systems, saying: " order to possess superior technologies, the nation must be a society in which ideas and activities flow freely to create a free competitive environment." 

In the third and last letter, also from June 2018, Thuc wrote: "Whether as a civilian or a prisoner, I always try my best to do everything I can to help the nation fulfills its historical mission. This has been my ultimate goal for many years." 

September 2018:

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc ended his hunger strike after 34 days. His family was allowed a brief visit with him on September 15, but was prohibited from "discussing outside news" with him. Thuc objected to this arbitrary prohibition and was taken away shortly after the visit started, and his family was also forced outside of the prison. They were allowed another brief visit with him on September 16, during which Thuc agreed with his family to end the hunger strike to maintain his health, but emphasized that he would continue to petition the authorities to respect the rule of law, not only in his own case, but also in other cases.  On September 8, Thuc's family had issued this letter requesting that the prison authorities inform the family about Thuc's current condition, as well as allow Thuc to make a phone call home. He had been protesting increased restrictions in prison, as well as his opposition to authorities’ attempts to get him to accept exile in exchange for early release.

October 2018:

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc's family met with him on October 12. He said that he had gained weight and his health was good. This meeting was more comfortable because police did not interrupt them when they talked about outside information, especially on EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement hearing that Dr. Nguyen Quang A had just attended in Belgium. One day after this meeting, Thuc made a 5-minute phone call to his family. This was abnormal because he was normally only allowed to call during the end of the month. He still wanted Vietnam to sign the trade agreement with the EU to prove that respecting the law is Vietnam’s trademark. He gave thanks to all who were concerned about him and to all those who have supported him, as well as called on people to continue supporting him and other political prisoners in their fight for freedom.

November 2018:

November 29, 2018 was Tran Huynh Duy Thuc’s 10th birthday in prison. Read about his impact on the Vietnamese democratic movement, the current situation for activists, and Thuc's own fight for freedom using new provisions in the revised Criminal Code. Overall, his situation in prison had greatly worsened. At his most recent family visit, Thuc informed his family that he suffered health issues from a possible poisoning on November 20, and prison authorities were denying him water to boil noodles and the ability to receive letters; they were also considering denying him other items at the time of this writing, like a blood pressure monitor, with no legal basis. He asked the international community to intervene on his behalf. 

December 2018:

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc’s daughter wrote an open letter to the international community in light of a possible attempted poisoning against Thuc in prison on November 20, 2018 and overall worsened prison conditions. In the letter, she wrote: "Our family is extremely worried about his health and safety since we believe these new forms of mistreatment are used to coerce my dad to admit guilty in exchange for an early parole. For the past 9 years, my dad steadfastly believes that fighting for freedom of speech is not a crime. My dad has never inflicted violence or threats against the government.  He has announced for many times that he is innocent and will never admit guilty."

On December 8, Tran Huynh Duy Thuc's family went to visit him in prison. Lawyer Ngo Ngoc Trai also accompanied them to meet with Thuc and demanded that detention center officials investigate the alleged poisoning against Thuc. However, detention officials did not allow him to meet with Thuc; they themselves met with Trai separately. They informed Trai that they received his previous letter concerning the matter and passed it to superior authorities for further consultation. British Member of European Parliament Julie Ward sent a letter to Vietnam's President calling on the country to release Thuc from prison -- and without the condition of exile. Thuc was said to look healthy during the family's visit in spite of only eating instant noodles. Prison authorities had begun to provide him boiled water again, but Thuc still refused to eat food provided by the prison, arguing that there was nothing to ensure his safety. He said to his family that he might be at risk of suffering from "incidents" in prison.

May 2019:

May 24, 2019 marked ten years since Tran Huynh Duy Thuc was arrested. Read our analysis about his attempts to appeal his sentence under new law, and his refusal to accept forced exile in exchange for early release from prison, here

July 2019:

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc was released from solitary confinement at Prison No. 6 in Nghe An province. He protested the isolation, which was causing him to experience extreme physical heat in his cell, by staging a three-day hunger strike earlier in the month. Though he may not be continuously confined, Thuc was still only allowed out of his cell for 14 hours per week, seven hours on both Saturday and Sunday. He had also been unable to get letters from his family since the beginning of the year. 

November 2019:

On November 29, 2019, Tran Huynh Duy Thuc spent his 11th birthday in prison – and he still will have to serve five more behind bars until he can celebrate out in the world with his family. We interviewed his daughter to get an update on his current situation. And we would like to share more of Thuc’s writing to continue to remind the world of his commitment to Vietnamese democracy and economic and social improvement. In one of the many letters he sent home, Thuc wrote: “The Path to Justice will not only lead me home, it will also bring a brighter future for everyone. Otherwise, why would I even choose imprisonment? Why would we, out of personal concerns, choose to spend a few years less in jail at the expense of justice? Realizing that point is the key to understanding the importance of creativity. Our greatest strength is our ability to think creatively. If we just blindly and diligently follow the same old paths, we won’t be able to avoid a bleak future. Not even for another thousand years.” Read the full translation of his letter, here.

October 2020:

On October 8, Tran Huynh Duy Thuc told his family that he had begun a hunger strike for the last three days to demand that the High Court review his request to have his sentence reduced based on changes in the Penal Code of 2015. His brother, Tran Huynh Duy Tam, says the issue is that Thuc was charged with “preparing to commit a crime,” which in the new Penal Code only carries a maximum sentence of five years. Instead, his brother was sentenced to 16 years. The family is working to have this sentence repealed so that Thuc can be freed according to the law.

November 2020:

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc started a hunger strike since November 23. His family was able to visit him on November 30 and reported that he was extremely weak. He asked his family to make public this message: “I’m sorry that I could not reach the end successfully with you all, but please keep moving forward on the path of enlightening our compatriots and the world, keep up the battles for Human Rights. Make the most use of my departure by pushing this struggle to its end by this year or the next.” He underwent a strike for the same reasons in October.

January 2021:

On January 11, Tran Huynh Duy Thuc’s family sent a request to Prison Camp No. 6 asking for information about his health condition while continuing his hunger strike. On January 19, the prison responded, saying that Thuc has never been hospitalized and is still healthy enough to serve his sentence. The family received news from another source that Thuc was put on an IV for a few days. On January 21, Thuc called his family. He reported he was still on his hunger strike. He only drinks milk and has lost a lot of weight, now weighing only 56 kg. He said he was never in the hospital. He will continue his hunger strike. The family is still extremely concerned about his health, as it has now been over two months since he started the strike. He started his hunger strike on November 23 to appeal his sentence based on the new penal code, which he argues should reduce his prison term to time already served. 

Read our analysis of his hunger strike, and the case for why international organizations should support him, here.

February 2021:

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc ended his hunger strike after 72 days. In a call to his family on February 3, he said, “The goal to start a revolution of light has been accomplished, therefore I will end my hunger strike. I want to thank all who have supported me through this battle. And please keep up the fight, for only light can drive out darkness, which can befall us anytime like it just did in Myanmar. I hope to see you soon.” His family reported that Thuc is no longer losing weight and that his voice sounded positive.

Before his strike, Thuc wrote some heartfelt letters to his family which we have translated to English, here.

August 2021:

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc was allowed to call home. His daughters reported that their father was very weak from a prolonged hunger strike. Thuc said he barely came back from “the edge of Death.” He reiterated that unless the Supreme Court takes up his appeal that he’d first sent in 2008, he would go into “extreme mode,” ready to sacrifice his life. He even gave the family specific instructions on what to do if he doesn’t survive. We prepared a more detailed article on Thuc’s situation which you can read and share. 


In an open letter, The 88 Project and 12 international human rights organizations called for Vice President Kamala Harris to challenge the Vietnamese government over the treatment and continued imprisonment of persecuted democracy activist Tran Huynh Duy Thuc during her upcoming visit to Vietnam. Read the letter here

July 2023:

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc’s family told Project 88 that he has been subjected to renewed harassment such as confiscation of his blood pressure monitoring device, his battery-powered fan, and his reading light, which he needs for writing letters. Thuc said he would no longer wear the prison garb and asked the international community to raise the issue of his unlawful imprisonment with the government.

August 2023:

The family of democracy activist Tran Huynh Duy Thuc gave Project88 a detailed account of what happened before he and three other cellmates were allegedly threatened by knife-wielding strangers dressed as prisoners who entered their cells at Prison No.6 in Nghe An Province. The full story in English and Vietnamese can be accessed here.


Tran Huynh Duy Thuc told his family in a short phone call that men armed with knives entered his cell. Thuc said his belongings and physical health were under threat. He was supposed to be allowed a 10-minute phone call but the line was abruptly cut after only three minutes. However, in that short span, Thuc was able to give his sister the names of two prison officials who presumably are responsible for his well being: Phạm Văn Luyến (#559-846) and Nguyễn Văn Hiệu (#569-921).


Earlier in August:

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc’s family visited him on August 16 but was told he refused to meet them. They left the food and supplies they brought for him, including medication he had requested, with prison officials. After they had left, they were called to return and take everything back because he refused to accept the items after finding out that necessity items like medicine were crossed off the list by the warden. The family believes this was an act of protest against prison officials and his way of signaling that he’s still being mistreated.

October 2023:

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc’s lawyer was not allowed to see him during his family’s visit to him on Oct. 3. The family said that Thuc’s health has worsened and that he looked gaunt and fatigued. They said further that he reported that he was not allowed to have his monthly call to his family in September because prison officials did not want him to “complain and accuse” them of wrongdoings. Thuc and his fellow inmates had stopped eating prison food to demand fairer food rationing for the entire unit A. Thuc had not been able to buy food at the canteen since Sept. 14, and he had to ask his cellmates to buy food for him. He was no longer given hot water to make ramen, so he was using cold water. Thuc had resorted to picking and eating wild vegetation to supplement his diet. The prison authorities allegedly confiscated Thuc’s razor and nail clipper without any explanation.

Physical Health History

Prior to arrest: healthy

After the arrest:

April 2017:

Thuc's family attempted to visit him but had to meet with him across from a glass divider with a phone. Supplies sent to him by the family, including copies of legal documents, tai chi exercises, and leisure reading, were denied to him by prison authorities. He has staged several hunger strikes while in prison.

October 2017:

Thuc's immediate situation in prison had somewhat improved, but he continued to suffer from poor eye health, and potentially glaucoma, as his cell's electricity was cut off previously. However, recently, the prison allowed him to receive flashlights from his family, which they previously denied him. The authorities had also recently started sending Thuc's poetry and musical compositions created in prison to his family.

February 2018: 

After a recent family visit, Thuc's brother reported that Thuc was confident and had a positive attitude; in addition, his treatment in prison had slightly improved, and Thuc was even permitted to hug his family after their most recent visit. He also planned to continue pressing for an appeal of his conviction.

June 2018:

In a letter home, Thuc reported that his eye sight was still not doing well, but it had improved over recent months. 


See the above section in "Details of Imprisonment" for information about the potential poisoning against Thuc in late 2018.

April 2021:

In late February 2021, Thuc started yet another hunger strike, his third since October 2020. Read more about this in the "Details of Imprisonment" section above. According to Radio Free Asia's report from the family,
"Tran had gained 12 kilograms (26 pounds) during the 16-day interval between his two hunger strikes but had lost 10 kilograms again during the first 43 days of his current strike."

July 2021:

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc was believed to be in ill health due to his prolonged hunger strike. His family was concerned that he missed their scheduled phone call. He began the most recent strike in March. 


Mental Health History

Throughout his imprisonment, Thuc has endured harsh treatment. He has often been targeted for standing up for the rights of other prisoners and has had communication with family limited by the authorities. In May of 2016, he was transferred to a prison farther away from his family. The reason for the transfer was unclear, but his distancing strategy has been used on other prisoners of conscience and could be related to his refusal to accept an early release in exchange for exile from Vietnam. As of 2020, Thuc continues to maintain his innocence and refuses to be exiled. 

Actions Taken

May 2016:

Three UN Special Rapporteurs and the Vice Chair of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention sent a letter to the Vietnamese authorities asking them to explain complaints against prison authorities that Tran Huynh Duy Thuc was being denied letters and visits from family, as well as being generally mistreated. They reminded the government of its legal obligations to uphold human rights and provide basic assurances to its prisoners. The letter came after authorities transferred Thuc to a prison farther away from his family, and after her underwent a hunger strike in protest of prison conditions.

August 2016:

Amnesty International released an Urgent Action regarding his prison treatment.

May 2017:

On the anniversary of his arrest, Amensty International released an open letter calling for Thuc's release.

October 2017:

Thuc was one of the focus cases of the VOICE 2017 UPR campaign to hold Vietnam accountable to its human rights obligations.

April 2018:

The 88 Project's Editor, Huong Nguyen, was interviewed by DiaCRITICS about The 88 Project and its history, as well as the state of human rights in Vietnam today and the case of political prisoner Tran Huynh Duy Thuc.

December 2018:

British Member of European Parliament Julie Ward sent a letter to Vietnam's President calling on the country to release Thuc from prison -- and without the condition of exile.

October 2020:

A group of Vietnamese in Tokyo protested in front of the residence of Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga ahead of his visit to Vietnam on October 18-20. They carried pictures of political prisoners such as Trinh Ba Phuong, Tran Huynh Duy Thuc, Pham Doan Trang, Le Dinh Luong, and Nguyen Nang Tinh. The group also went on a 24-hour hunger strike to call attention to the government’s continued crackdown on peaceful dissent and violations of freedom of speech.

December 2020:

The 88 Project featured on its website actions users can take in support of Thuc during his strike.

There were also action in support of Thuc from Frontline Defenders.

Vietnam Human Rights Network and Defend the Defenders released a statement in support of Thuc while he was on hunger strike. They stated: “Mr. Tran Huynh Duy Thuc is completely innocent; his activities were solely aimed at exercising his basic rights guaranteed by the international human rights conventions that the Vietnamese communist government has signed and ratified.”

January 2021:

On January 27, 2021, a group of German lawmakers led by Rene Kunast wrote a letter to the government of Vietnam to express their extreme concerns about the health of political prisoners Nguyen Bac Truyen and Tran Huynh Duy Thuc; the latter was at the time on a two-month hunger strike. The lawmakers requested that the two men be given immediate medical attention and be released.

July 2021:

The UN “Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of  human rights defenders” by Mary Lawlor, sub-titled “States in denial: the long-term detention of human rights defenders,” thoroughly explains and exposes the many methods that member states use to skirt human rights conventions which they purport to uphold. According to the report, Vietnam has the highest number of jailed human rights defenders (38), more than twice that of China (17). Imprisoned blogger and entrepreneur Tran Huynh Duy Thuc was mentioned as a special case (p.20)

August 2021:

In an open letter, The 88 Project and 12 international human rights organizations called for Vice President Kamala Harris to challenge the Vietnamese government over the treatment and continued imprisonment of persecuted democracy activist Tran Huynh Duy Thuc during her upcoming visit to Vietnam. Read the letter here

February 2023:

The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission of the United States Congress issued a direct call for the immediate release of entrepreneur and activist Tran Huynh Duy Thuc.


Update on Tran Huynh Duy Thuc, November 25, 2018: Poisoning and Mental Torture in Prison, The 88 Project, November 24, 2018

Open Letter on the Recent Psychological Tortures on Tran Huynh Duy Thuc in Vietnam

Letter from MEP Julie Ward to Vietnamese President Concerning the Case of Tran Huynh Duy Thuc, The 88 Project, December 13, 2018

Forced Exile and Its Implications for Activist Movements: The Case of Tran Huynh Duy Thuc 10 Years After His Arrest, The 88 Project, May 23, 2019

Jailed Vietnamese Activist Wins Short Stays Outside His Cell Following Hunger Strike, Radio Free Asia, July 8, 2019

11 Birthdays in Prison: Interview with Tran Huynh Duy Thuc’s Daughter, The 88 Project, November 30, 2019

Imprisoned blogger Tran Huynh Duy Thuc in critical condition, The 88 Project, December 5, 2020

Share message for imprisoned blogger Tran Huynh Duy Thuc, The 88 Project, December 6, 2020


Rights groups snub Vietnam prisoner over hunger strike, Asia Times, January 17, 2021

Jailed Vietnamese Democracy Advocate Launches New Hunger Strike, Radio Free Asia, April 4, 2021

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc’s Family Provides Details on Events Prior to Alleged Assault Behind Bars, Project 88, September 16, 2023

Three Letters from Tran Huynh Duy Thuc, The 88 Project, April 8, 2021

Prisoners in Vietnam Believed to be Ill After Lengthy Hunger Strikes, Radio Free Asia, July 22, 2021

Two Political Prisoners Allege Attack by Knife-Wielding Assailants, Project 88, September 1, 2023

TNLT Trần Huỳnh Duy Thức được thả ngay trước chuyến đi Mỹ của ông Tô Lâm, RFA Vietnamese, Sept. 20, 2024

Ông Trần Huỳnh Duy Thức kêu gọi ủng hộ ba tù nhân chính trị đang tuyệt thực ở Trại giam Số 6, RFA Vietnamese, Sept. 29, 2024

One of Vietnam's high-profile political prisoners refused amnesty. Prison guards forced him on a plane anyway, ABC News, Oct. 1, 2024

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc Facebook page


Interviews with the family, Jan., Feb., May 2024

Profile last updated: 2024-10-26 22:20:50

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