Petition to An Phuoc Prison on the Treatment of Political Prisoner Tran Hoang Phuc, June 2019

Tran Hoang Phuc. Artwork by Dinh Truong Chinh for The 88 Project
Please share the family’s petition regarding Tran Hoang Phuc and his treatment in prison, asking that prison authorities take steps to ensure that Phuc’s health and safety. Phuc was a 23-year-old student when he was arrested in 2017 under Article 88, for Internet postings, particularly for video content. He was tried on January 31, 2018, by the People’s Court of Hanoi together with Nguyen Van Dien and Vu Quang Thuan. Phuc received a six year sentence and four years of house arrest.  Despite difficult prison conditions, Phuc still works tirelessly to uphold the rights of detainees with peaceful means and legal arguments.