Entries by kayleedolen

Vietnam Free Expression Newsletter No. 1/2024 – Weeks of Dec. 20-26 and Dec. 27-Jan. 2

Greetings from Project88. We bring you news, analysis, and actions regarding human rights and civil society in Vietnam during the weeks of Dec. 20-26 and Dec. 27-Jan. 2. In case you missed it, read Project88’s newest report, detailing persecution incidents apart from arrests and trials that suggest a turn for the worse in Vietnam’s suppression of dissent, even […]

Vietnam Free Expression Newsletter No. 47/2023 – Week of Dec. 13-19

Greetings from Project88. We bring you news, analysis, and actions regarding human rights and civil society in Vietnam during the week of Dec. 13-19. This will be our last newsletter of the year. We will return the week of Jan. 8. “Project88’s report presents evidence about a myriad of government persecution tactics that suggests a turn for the […]

Human Rights Report: January 2022-June 2023

On December 19, Project88 released a new report highlighting key types of human rights violations by the Vietnamese state in 2022 and early 2023 that Project88 believes, when taken together, are indicative of an intensification of repression in Vietnam. These human rights violations include: The government use of arbitrary detention, surveillance, intimidation, and restriction of […]

Vietnam Free Expression Newsletter No. 46/2023 – Week of Dec. 6-12

Greetings from Project88. We bring you news, analysis, and actions regarding human rights and civil society in Vietnam during the week of Dec. 6-12. “As key leaders of Vietnam’s climate change movement remain behind bars and JETP donors fail to condition the disbursement of funding on civil society participation, there is nobody left to hold the government […]

Project88 Releases Issue Brief on the Arrest of Energy Think Tank Leader Ngo Thi To Nhien

On November 28, Project88 released a new issue brief covering the arrest of Ngo Thi To Nhien by Vietnamese authorities and documenting how her arrest is part of Vietnam’s ongoing suppression of climate activists. On September 15, 2023, Vietnam arrested Ngo Thi To Nhien, the head of the Vietnam Initiative for Energy Transition Social Enterprise. […]

Vietnam Free Expression Newsletter No. 44/2023 – Week of Nov. 15-22

Greetings from Project88. We bring you news, analysis, and actions regarding human rights and civil society in Vietnam during the week of Nov. 15-22. There will be no newsletter next week; we will resume publication the week of Dec. 4. “The Resident Coordinator seemingly did not adequately address the risk posed by the arrests of climate activists […]

Letter to UNOPS re: failure to protect and respond to arbitrary detention of UNOPS advisors in Vietnam

To: Jorge Moreira da Silva, Undersecretary-General and UNOPS Executive Director Sanjay Mathur, UNOPS, Director, Asia Region Philip Timothy Rose,Fund Director, Southeast Asia Energy Transition Partnership Pauline Tamesis, UN Resident Coordinator for Vietnam   23 November, 2023   Dear Mr. Jorge Moreira da Silva, Mr. Sanjay Mathur, Mr. Philip Timothy Rose, and Ms. Pauline Tamesis, Re: Failure […]

Vietnam Free Expression Newsletter No. 43/2023 – Week of Nov. 7-15

Greetings from Project88. We bring you news, analysis, and actions regarding human rights and civil society in Vietnam during the week of Nov. 7-15. “Previously, Vietnam generally targeted human rights activists and advocates for democratic reform. In recent years, however, the government has begun to target people who run non-governmental organizations that work on development issues. […]