Ethnic Minority Rights Activist Y Quynh Bdap Speaks for Himself

“I am afraid of being kidnapped; I only go out for a few minutes a day and couldn’t contact my family.”


Ede activist Y Quynh Bdap was arrested by Thai immigration authorities on June 11 in Bangkok, where he had been living since fleeing Vietnam in 2018. Y Quynh now faces imminent risk of being forcibly returned to Vietnam, where he was convicted of “terrorism” in connection with the June 2023 attacks on government buildings in Dak Lak province. Y Quynh asserts he is in innocent. He was not in the country at the time of the attacks, and Vietnam did not present any evidence to support the charges against him. Regardless, Y Quynh was sentenced to 10 years in prison in absentia in a mass mobile trial in January 2024.

Hear him, in his own words, above.

And read more about his case in our full statement, here.


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