Entries by kayleedolen

Call for Proposals – Graphic Design Consultant

Project88 (“Dự án 88”) is a human rights organization focused on Vietnam. We are a 501(c)(3) non-governmental organization registered in the United States but with staff located across the globe. Established in 2012, Project88 has built a reputation as a leader in the field. Our mission is to support and defend embattled human rights activists—people who we […]

Project88 Vietnam Newsletter No. 44/2024 – Dec. 19-29

Greetings from Project88. We bring you news, analysis, and actions regarding human rights and civil society in Vietnam from Dec. 19-29. Climate leader Hoang Thi Minh Hong arrived in the US on Christmas Eve seeking asylum. On Christmas, Decree 147 went into effect, furthering tightening internet restrictions in Vietnam. Just a day prior, it was […]

As Bangkok mulls Hanoi’s request to extradite minority rights activist, newly obtained court document reveals allegations about mass trial that convicted 100 people of terrorism

Y Quynh Bdap Background The Vietnamese government maintains that on June 11, 2023, 70 people attacked government offices and police stations in Cu Kuin district of Dak Lak province. The attacks left two local officials, four police officers, and three civilians dead. The reaction from the government was swift: ninety-four people were rounded up and […]

Project88 Vietnam Newsletter No. 43/2024 — Dec. 9-18

Greetings from Project88. We bring you news, analysis, and actions regarding human rights and civil society in Vietnam from Dec. 9-18. This week, Project88 published a report on Decree 126, a new decree that greatly increases government oversight and regulations on associations. On October 8, 2024, the Vietnamese government enacted Decree 126. Compared to Decree […]

Project88 Vietnam Newsletter No. 42/2024 – Nov. 26-Dec. 8

Greetings from Project88. We bring you news, analysis, and actions regarding human rights and civil society in Vietnam from Nov. 26-Dec 8. Nine people were sentenced to prison for “abusing democratic freedoms,” five of whom are Khmer Buddhist monks. And two Protestant leaders have reported they were shot under strange circumstances. In Vietnam, those who practice religion outside […]

Project88 Vietnam Newsletter No. 40/2024 – November 5-14

Greetings from Project88. We bring you news, analysis, and actions regarding human rights and civil society in Vietnam from Nov. 5-14. Commemorating the Day of the Imprisoned Writer, Project88 has published an updated list of the 26 bloggers and journalists currently in prison in Vietnam. See the data, here. The use of restrictive “tiger cage” cells […]

Vietnam Free Expression Newsletter No. 39/2024 – Oct. 25 — Nov. 4

Greetings from Project88. We bring you news, analysis, and actions regarding human rights and civil society in Vietnam from Oct. 25- November 4. Since 2021, the Vietnamese authorities have imprisoned six leaders of the country’s climate change movement on false charges. These cases have been covered extensively by the international media, and international organizations have campaigned […]

Vietnam Free Expression Newsletter No. 38/2024 – October 14-24

Read our new advocacy brief– Fighting for a greener future: Environmental activists and movements in Vietnam. *** Greetings from Project88. We bring you news, analysis, and actions regarding human rights and civil society in Vietnam from Oct. 14-24. Our new advocacy brief provides an overview of different environmental movements in Vietnam over the past decade, of the […]