
Phan Van Bach

Phan Vân Bách

Current Status: Sentenced to prison

Photo of Phan Van Bach

Date of Birth: March 10, 1975

Gender: M

Ethnicity: Kinh

Occupation: Blogger

Human Rights Defender: Y

Known Prison(s):
Prison No. 5, Thanh Hoa province (December 5, 2024 - present)

Activist Focus:

  • Freedom of expression
  • Sovereignty

Organizational/Political Party Affiliation:


Immediate Concerns

Feb. 2025:

Phan Van Bach, in a call home on Feb. 18, told his wife, Nguyen Thi Yeu, that his health has stabilized thanks to the medications the family sent him before Tet in January. Most importantly, 90% of his scabs are gone thanks to an unnamed product given to him by former political prisoner Ngo Van Dung.

Jan. 2025:

Nguyen Thi Yeu and her children visited Phan Van Bach on Jan. 19 and were told upon arrival that they could only see and talk to Bach via phone behind a glass separator, while other families were allowed to meet their loved ones in person. Bach's intestinal problems still persist, causing him to have to urinate many times during the night. He also has scabies all over his body, his wife told Project88.

Dec. 2024:

On Dec. 10, Phan Van Bach's wife, Nguyen Thi Yeu (a.k.a. Nguyen Thi Lieu) and her family went to the detention center where Bach was being held to visit and bring him monthly supplies. However, they were told that Bach was transferred to Prison Camp No. 5 in Thanh Hoa province on Dec. 5. No reason was given. 

Bach later told Yeu that he was transferred from Hoa Lo Prison in Hanoi to Prison Camp No. 5 in Thanh Hoa province in the early morning of Dec. 5 without notice. Bach told his wife Nguyen Thi Yeu when she visited him on Dec. 12 that he was awakened in the middle of the night and given only a few minutes to gather whatever possessions he could; the rest had to be left behind.

Since Bach's trial and conviction on Sept. 16, 2024, his wife has had to file formal requests to visit her husband at Hoa Lo each month -- a highly irregular practice. The response to her November request was delayed by 15 days. The evening before she was to make her December visit, after it had been pre-approved, Yeu reported that she received a call notifying her that Bach had been transferred to a new prison hundreds of miles away.

Sept 2024:

On September 16, former Chấn Hưng Việt Nam TV (CHTV) journalist Phan Van Bach was sentenced to five years in prison under Article 117 in a trial lasting only one hour. He reportedly will not appeal the sentence. Human Rights Watch and Freedom House called for his release.

August 2024:

Phan Van Bach‘s health is in imminent danger and requires immediate attention. On August 12, Bach’s lawyer, Le Van Luan, was finally able to see him at Detention Center No.1 in Hanoi. Luan reported that Bach’s health has “seriously deteriorated” while he has been in detention. After Bach’s meeting with the Luan, Bach’s wife, Nguyen Thi Yeu (also known as Nguyen Thi Lieu), also revealed that she was secretly allowed to see Bach recently, and she could hardly recognize her husband because he had lost so much weight. Bach told her he started suffering from alternating diarrhea and constipation just a few days after he was detained, and the condition persisted for months. Since he was detained in late December 2023, Bach’s weight has dropped from 65 kg (143 lbs) to 40 kg (88 lbs). Bach said he had bowel movements on average 30-40 times a day; Bach also believes he has some kind of skin disease. His lawyer has asked prison officials to let him be examined by a doctor but has not received any response.

Bach told his wife that he can’t take it anymore and has asked Lieu to notify the international community to firstly help him secure hospital treatment and also campaign for his release ahead of his impending trial on September 16.  Authorities completed their investigation of Bach on July 2, 2024; however, the family and lawyer were not notified until early August.


Bach was involved in the CHTV channel from 2017 to 2019, but quit and was not affiliated at the time of his arrest. 

Profile photo source

History of Activism

According to Vu Manh Tuan, another CHTV member who now lives in Nha Trang city, “Bach did not focus on any particular subjects. He used to conduct talks in an improvisational way. He used to talk about the bad things of the regime and society. Then, Bach announced he was quitting CHTV.” 

Founded by prisoner of conscience Vu Quang Thuan, CHTV covered hot-button socio-economic issues in Vietnam. Thuan, along with members Le Van Dung and Le Trong Hung, are in prison on charges of disseminating anti-state propaganda because of their involvement in CHTV.

Bach has also participated in several peaceful demonstrations in Hanoi, including protests against China’s maritime activities in the South China Sea since 2011, tree cutting in 2015, and the Formosa environmental disaster caused by a toxic waste spill that affected Vietnam’s central coastal area in 2016. 

He also spoke up against government crackdowns on political dissidents, supported people facing injustice via Facebook, and took part in campaigns demanding the release of detained activists. During this period, he reported he was constantly harassed by unknown actors and his home received strange packages containing things like shrimp paste and a yellow flag.

Family Situation

He is married and has four children. 

Sentenced to 5 years in prison under Art. 117 (2015 Code). Expected Release is December 29, 2028.

December 29, 2023
  • Art 117
Dong Da district, Hanoi City (map)
September 16, 2024 - Date of trial - convicted and sentenced to prison
Le Van Luan
5 years in prison
December 29, 2028

Details of Imprisonment

Bach was taken from his home on Dec. 29 and held for five days before his family was informed. His wife Lieu had no idea where he was detained or what happened to him. She said her husband was home alone at the time of his arrest, and before leaving with authorities, gave his house keys to a police officer in charge of the residential area to hand over to his family. That officer told Lieu that the police searched their home but confiscated nothing. 

Bach was detained for nearly a month before the authorities announced that he had been arrested and would be charged, on January 19, 2024.

June 2024:

Phan Van Bach’s wife, Nguyen Thi Yeu (also known as Nguyen Thi Lieu), told Project88 that there was still no news of when Bach’s trial will take place. Bach was arrested in December 2023 and was being held incommunicado in pre-trial detention. The family has not been allowed to contact him. Yeu can only send her husband money each month but not anything, else such as food, medicine, or clothing

July 2024:

Phan Van Bach was still awaiting trial. July 29 marked the seventh month since his arrest. His wife, Nguyen Thi Yeu, told Project88 that the family still has not heard anything from the government regarding Bach other than that he has been charged with engaging in “anti-state propaganda” under Article 117.


Police in Vietnam detain YouTube activist for days without informing family, RFA, Jan. 2, 2024

Vietnam court jails activist for 5 years, RFA, Sept. 16, 2024

Interviews with family July, Aug., Dec., 2024, Jan., Feb., 2025, and lawyer, Aug. 2024


Profile last updated: 2025-03-02 14:27:18

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