
Tien Dam

Current Status: Likely released - at risk

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Other Names: Tiên Đàm

Date of Birth: 1992

Gender: M

Ethnicity: Khmer Krom

Occupation: Farmer

Areas of Activism:

  • Land rights

Communities At Risk:


Immediate Concerns

May 2021:

At an appeal trial on May 6, Khmer Krom land rights activist Huynh Van Dep had his sentence reduced from two years and six months in prison to two years in prison. Tien Dam’s sentence was reduced from two years and three months in prison to two years in prison, and Tien Nam’s sentence was reduced from one year in prison to nine months in prison. This information comes from The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO).


Tien Dam lives and works in Giang Thanh district, Kien Giang Province.

Sentenced to 2 years in prison under Art. 330 (2015 Code). Expected Release is March 3, 2023.

December 3, 2020
  • Art. 330 (2015 Code)
Public Security of Giang Thanh district, Kien Giang province
Giang Thanh District (map)
December 3, 2020 - Date of trial
The People’s Court of Giang Thanh district, Kien Giang province
2 years in prison
March 3, 2023
  • Khmer Kampuchea Krom for Human Rights and Development Association
  • Khmer Kampuchea Krom Federation
Details of Imprisonment

Authorities in Kien Giang Province arrested six family members-- detaining Huynh Van Dep and subjecting others to a ban on leaving their home-- for their participation in a land dispute in a Khmer Krom community in May. The Khmer Krom, an ethnic minority group, have long faced harassment and discrimination from the state, and land rights disputes are common in the country, as no private land rights exist. 

The authority accused Tien Dam of resisting and obstructing officers in carrying out their public duties. 

His arrest date is listed as his trial date, as he was not subject to pre-trial detention. Some other family members were briefly arrested without any formal charge, while Dam and three others were tried.

Actions Taken
  • Khmer Kampuchea Krom for Human Rights and Development Association
  • Khmer Kampuchea Krom Federation

(From Vietnam Arrests Khmer Krom Family Over Land Dispute Clash, RFA, June 9, 2020)


Kiên Giang: Tuyên án 4 đối tượng chống người thi hành công vụ, Voice of Vietnam, December 5, 2020 

Vietnam Arrests Khmer Krom Family Over Land Dispute Clash, RFA, June 9, 2020

Profile last updated: 2024-06-13 20:34:06

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