
Tran Linh

Current Status: Likely released - at risk

No image

Other Names: Trần Linh

Date of Birth:

Gender: M

Ethnicity: Kinh

Areas of Activism:

  • Democracy

Charged under Art. 79 (1999 Code).

November, 2016
  • Art. 79 (1999 Code)
Viet Nam
Details of Imprisonment

It is believed that Tran Linh was arrested in November 2016 in the same case as Luu Van Vinh and Nguyen Van Duc Do. He was potentially charged under Article 79 of the 1999 Criminal Code. Little information has been available on his case. 


Vietnam’s Suppression of Political Dissidents, Social Activists and Human Rights Defenders in 2016, Defend the Defenders, January 19, 2017

Human Rights Violation in Vietnam 2015-2016, The Former Vietnamese Prisoners of Conscience

Profile last updated: 2024-06-13 20:34:03

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