
Trinh Hoang Thanh

Current Status: At risk

Photo of Trinh Hoang Thanh

Other Names: Trịnh Hoàng Thanh

Date of Birth:

Gender: M

Ethnicity: Kinh

Areas of Activism:

  • Anti-corruption
  • Democracy
  • Environment
  • Freedom of expression
  • Press

Known Affiliations:



Thanh lives and works in Ha Noi.

Profile photo source: Trinh Hoang Thanh's Facebook

History of Activism

Thanh is a member of Green Trees (GT - or Vì một Hà Nội Xanh), a civil society organization firstly focusing their activities on protecting green spaces of Ha Noi City and now expanding to environmental problems across the country.

August 22, 2019: detained and beaten for protesting detention of Dang Vu Luong

  • Detention
  • Maltreatment in police custody
August 22, 2019
Public security
The Office of Public Security’s Investigation Agency, Nguyen Gia Thieu street, Hoan Kiem District, Ha Noi (map)

Around 9:00 am on August 22, a local police officer named Tu and two other security officers visited the apartment of Ms My, a pianist and friend of pianist Dang Vu Luong, and requested to see him. They then “invited” Luong to discuss some issues at the Office of Public Security of Quang An Ward. 

At 17:00 pm, members of Green Trees gathered and arrived at the  Office of Public Security’s Investigation Agency at Nguyen Gia Thieu street, Hoan Kiem District, Ha Noi, to demand an explanation on Luong’s detention and his release. During the confrontation, Nguyen Van Phuong and Trinh Hoang Thanh were arrested and beaten in a separate room. 

After hours of struggle, Luong, Phuong and Thanh were all released at 10:30 pm on the same day.

Profile last updated: 2024-06-13 20:34:06

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