
Trinh Viet Bang

Current Status: Pre-trial detention

Photo of Trinh Viet Bang

Other Names: Trịnh Viết Bảng

Date of Birth: May 11, 1959

Gender: M

Ethnicity: Kinh

Occupation: Finance professional

Areas of Activism:

  • Anti-corruption
  • Freedom of expression



He is a banker who was living in Bac Ninh province at the time of his arrest.

Profile photo source: Trinh Viet Bang Facebook

History of Activism

Trinh Viet Bang is a banker who addressed corruption at the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies. For his activities, he was demoted and eventually arrested.

Charged under Art. 331 (2015 Code).

May 13, 2019
  • Art. 331 (2015 Code)
Bac Ninh province public security, Bac Ninh province
Dai Phuc ward, Bac Ninh city, Bac Ninh province (map)

Details of Imprisonment

On May 13, 2019, the public security of Bac Ninh province issued an arrest warrant and search order against Trinh Viet Bang, a long-time anti-corruption activist. He was most likely charged under Article 331 of the 2015 Criminal Code for “abusing democratic freedoms.” Bang, 60, is a Communist Party member and worked at Vietnam Bank for Social Policies (VBSP – a state-owned bank) prior to his arrest. Since 2006, Bang has filed many letters denouncing corruption at a branch of VBSP in Bac Ninh Province to Party and state leaders and domestic newspapers. Read more about his case, here.


Trinh Viet Bang Arrested for Anti-corruption Activism in Bac Ninh Province, The 88 Project, May 14, 2019

Profile last updated: 2024-07-15 22:14:29

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