
Pham Van Cho

Current Status: Sentenced to prison

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Date of Birth:

Gender: M


State media states that between 2020 and 2023, Cho had been posting videos and articles that “defame the state and offend political leaders.” No examples were given.

Sentenced to 7 years in prison and 2 years probation under Art. 117 (2015 Code). Expected Release is January 30, 2031.

January 30, 2024
  • Art. 117 (2015 Code)
Van Lam district, Hung Yen province (map)
July 11, 2024 - Date of trial - tried under Article 117
7 years in prison and 2 years probation
January 30, 2031

Facebooker Pham Van Cho was arrested by Hung Yen Provincial Police on Jan. 30, 2024, and charged with spreading “anti-state propaganda.” His case had been investigated by the Cyber Security Division and Hi-tech Crime Prevention and Control between 2020-2023.

On July 11, 2024, he was convicted under Article 117 by the People's Court of Hung Yen Province and sentenced to seven years in prison and two years of probation for Facebook posts on the accounts “Phạm Chờ” and “Nguyễn Minh Tân” between 2019 and 2023 deemed to insult and defame the Party and Ho Chi Minh. 


Khởi tố đối tượng tuyên truyền chống phá Đảng, Nhà nước, Jan. 30, 2024

Man in Hung Yen arrested for anti-State propaganda, Vietnam+, Jan. 30, 2024

Hưng Yên bắt giữ người lên mạng bôi nhọ, xúc phạm đảng, nhà nước, ông Hồ Chí Minh, VOA Vietnamese, Jan, 30., 2024

Hưng Yên: một người bị bắt với cáo buộc tuyên truyền chống Nhà nước, RFA Vietnamese, Jan. 30, 2024

Vietnam jails Facebook user for 7 years for ‘insulting Ho Chi Minh’, RFA, July 11, 2024

Profile last updated: 2024-07-16 04:17:44

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