
Nguyen Thi Thuy

Current Status: Likely released - at risk

Photo of Nguyen Thi Thuy

Other Names: Nguyễn Thị Thủy

Date of Birth: 1977

Gender: F

Ethnicity: Kinh

Occupation: Lawyer

Areas of Activism:

  • Anti-corruption

Highlighted Human Rights Concerns:

  • Former Political Prisoner

Details - Background, History of Activism.

Thuy is a lawyer and lives and works in Hanoi City.

Profile photo: Nguyen Thi Thuy at her trial. Source

Thuy has no previous activism record.

Arrested July 27, 2021. Sentenced to 1 year 8 months in prison under Art. 331 (2015 Code). Expected Release is March, 2023.

July 27, 2021
  • Art. 331 (2015 Code)
Hanoi city public security, Hanoi
Hanoi (map)
July 27, 2021
The People's Court of Hanoi, Hanoi
1 year 8 months in prison
March, 2023
  • freedom from arbitrary arrest or detention
  • liberty and security of the person
  • freedom of expression
  • fair trial

According to the allegations, Thuy represented Tran Quang Ngu in a fraudulent case concerning state property. During this case, Thuy made two complaints and sent them to the relevant authorities. Reportedly, Thuy believed that Ngu was innocent, and in the complaints she accused several leaders of corruption. 

What should be noted is that Thuy did not share these complaints online, nor leak them via any public communication channels. She strictly followed the procedural requirements of making official complaints in Vietnam. However, the content of the two complaints were still deemed to be libel and defamatory against several of the Party’s leaders.

The punishment of people who even follow legal rules and procedures is exemplary in this case. 

According to a government report, Thuy has a mental health disorder, for which the government gave her a reduced sentence. We are unable to independently verify this information.

Note: The arrest date is unknown, so we have used the trial date in its place until more information is found.

Profile last updated: 2023-05-01 17:37:23

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