


Detainment Type: Pre-trial detention

Photo of Kunh

Other Names: Kưnh

Date of Birth: 1988

Gender: M

Religion: Hà Mòn (Ha Mon)

Ethnicity: Montagnard

Occupation: Farmer

Activist Focus:

  • Religious freedom



Kunh is a farmer and lives and works in Gia Lai Province.

Profile photo source 

History of Activism

Kunh is an ordinary farmer with no extensive history of activism. However, after becoming a follower of the Hà Mòn religion, a local sect of Christianity, and becoming an active preacher of his beliefs, Kunh was harassed and pursued by the authorities to the point that he had to hide in the forest.

March 19, 2020: arrest

March 19, 2020
Between two communes, H'ra and Lo Pang (map)
Details of Imprisonment

Ha Mon is a local sect of Christianity, established in Kon Tum Province, Vietnam, in 1999. However, the legal framework on beliefs and religions creates bureaucratic restrictions to enable the government to maintain control over every aspect of religion. The Ha Mon did not pass these restrictions, and the group was quickly listed as an invalid belief. Therefore, its followers have been forced to leave the religion or have been sent to re-education schools.  

Kưnh, Lúp, and Jưr are three believers and active preachers of Ha Mon. They have been constantly harassed by the public security of Gia Lai to the point that they had to move and live in the forest. This situation went on for eight years, as they were unofficially wanted by the local police.

On March 19, 2020, after a long time avoiding the public security, they were all arrested together by the local police when the force found out where they were hiding in a forest in Gia Lai.


Bắt 3 đối tượng cốt cán theo tà đạo Hà Mòn, trốn trong rừng, Công an Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, March 19, 2020  

Bắt 3 đối tượng theo 'tà đạo Hà Mòn' sau 8 năm lẩn trốn trong rừng, Nông nghiệp Việt Nam, March 19, 2020 

Gia Lai: Ba đối tượng cốt cán của tà đạo Hà Mòn đã bị bắt, Quân đội Nhân dân, March 21, 2020 

3 người theo đạo Hà Mòn bị bắt sau 8 năm phải sống trong rừng sâu, Đất Việt, March 21, 2020

Bắt ba người theo tà đạo Hà Mòn trốn trong rừng sâu, Kenh 14, March 20, 2020

Profile last updated: 2024-06-13 20:34:06

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