
Pham Minh Tri

Current Status: At risk

Photo of Pham Minh Tri

Other Names: Phạm Vũ Phong (Facebook Nickname), Pham Vu Phong, Phạm Minh Trí (real name)

Date of Birth: December 18, 1975

Gender: M

Religion: Christian (Catholic)

Ethnicity: Kinh

Areas of Activism:

  • Democracy
  • Freedom of expression
  • Human rights
  • Sovereignty
  • Press



Pham Vu Phong’s real name is Pham Minh Tri.

Profile photo source: Facebook Minh Trí Phạm

History of Activism

He participated in the mass demonstration to protest against two bills on Special Economic Zones and Cybersecurity on June 10, 2018.

September 1, 2018: detained for 10 days ahead of anticipated protests

  • Detention
  • Property confiscation
September 01-09, 2018
Public security
Dong Hung Thuan commune, District 12, Ho Chi Minh City (map)

To prevent activists from organizing a mass demonstration on September 2, 2018, the authorities of Ho Chi Minh city carried out a crackdown. Many activists, including Pham Minh Tri, were arrested without a formal announcement.

On September 12, Tri reported his incident on Facebook. Tri was arrested late on the night of September 1 and released at the end of the day on September 9. Police confiscated his ID documents, motorcycle, and mobile phone.

Profile last updated: 2024-06-13 20:34:05

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