
Dang Ngoc Thanh

Current Status: At risk

Photo of Dang Ngoc Thanh

Other Names: Đặng Ngọc Thanh

Date of Birth: October 29, 1993

Gender: M

Ethnicity: Kinh

Areas of Activism:

  • Democracy
  • Freedom of expression
  • Sovereignty
  • Press



Thanh graduated from the Ho Chi Minh College of Electricity. He is living in Tra Vinh province.

Profile photo source: Facebook Đặng Thanh

History of Activism

On his Facebook Đặng Thanh, he usually posts his views on social issues.

October 26, 2018: beaten, detained, and fined for leafleting and posting on Facebook

  • Detention
  • Administrative fines
  • Maltreatment in police custody
  • Property confiscation
October 26-27, 2018
Public security
Cang Long district, Tra Vinh province (map)

In June 2018, Dang Thanh spread leaflets with content that said “don’t allow China to rent the land even for one day." His family was harassed by police, forcing him to leave home to go to another commune in Tra Vinh Province.

At 12:30 on October 26, public security came to his rental and grabbed his phone when he was live-streaming. He then was beaten and forced to go to the public security post of Sub-District 5, Tra Vinh Province. Public security confiscated his phone and controlled his Facebook account.

On October 26 and 27, Thanh was questioned about leafleting against the bill of the Special Economic Zones and sticking leaflets on nearby electrical poles.

At the public security post, Thanh was beaten again and forced to take off his clothes.

After two working days, Thanh was allowed to go back to his rental place under surveillance in the evening of October 27. Thanh asked to return to his home, where he has his permanent residence address, to visit his parents on October 28.

On October 29, Dang Thanh was fined 7.500.000 VND (approximately 320 USD) for:

  • Writing, distributing, circulating 1.598 leaflets with the alleged distorting, fabricating and slandering contents. Public security of Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh fined him 2.500.000 VND.
  • Providing, transmitting, storing and using information to “threaten, harass, distort, slander, offend, etc.” Public Security of Tra Vinh Province fined him 5.000.000 VND.

Profile last updated: 2024-06-13 20:34:05

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