
Ngo Thi Minh Uoc

Ngô Thị Minh Ước

Current Status: Released - at risk

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Date of Birth: 1959

Gender: F

Ethnicity: Kinh

Activist Focus:

  • Land rights


Immediate Concerns

Ngo Thi Minh Uoc was released from prison on October 5, 2018 upon completion of her prison sentence. She remains under house arrest. 


Ngo Thi Minh Uoc is from the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam. 

History of Activism

Ngo Thi Minh Uoc is a land rights activist. She herself may have been a victim of land grabbing practices in Vietnam. 

Sentenced to 4 years 3 months in prison under Art. 88 (1999 Code). Released October 5, 2018.

July 8, 2014
  • Art 88 (1999)
Viet Nam
March 30, 2016 - Date of trial
4 years 3 months in prison
October, 2018
October 5, 2018
Details of Imprisonment

On March 30, 2016, the People's Court of Ho Chi Minh City sentenced three land rights activists to multiple years in prison. The activists-- Ngo Thi Minh Uoc, Nguyen Thi Be Hai, and Nguyen Thi Tri-- were sentenced to four years, three years, and three years respectively. They were officially sentenced under Article 88 for propaganda against the state after waving flags at a protest in July 2014 in front of the US Embassy; though many believe they were targeted for their land rights activism in the Mekong Delta. In addition to her four-year sentence, Ngo Thi Minh Uoc also received an extra three month prison term for unknown reasons form a different court, the People's Court of southern Binh Phuoc.

She was released from prison on October 5, 2018 upon completion of her sentence.

Profile last updated: 2024-06-13 20:34:04

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